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Resources for Veterans House Hunting

Are you a veteran looking for a home? If so, you might be confused about your next steps. Courtesy of The Southern Tier of New York & Environs, we’ve gathered up a few resources that are full of information on home-buying tactics for veterans.

Start Your Search

When you start searching for a home, you should find a skilled realtor, research lenders, and determine what you can afford.

Find the Right Home

Once you’ve found a realtor and figured out how much you can spend, it’s time to start researching potential neighborhoods and services you’ll need to complete your purchase and move.

Moving Your Business

In addition to moving yourself and your family, you may need to move your home, as well. Although it will require some work, successfully moving a business can be done.

Everyone experiences a few setbacks while house hunting, and it’s understandable if you’re unsure of what to do. With these veteran-friendly resources, you’ll be more knowledgeable about all your current options.

We wish to thank our article contributor:

Amber Ramsey